Humanitarian aid

Below you can find some of the donation ware that is currently available in our storages. Contact us in case you are interested.

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Cart 2 wound care and surgery wound care

Amount available:1
Description:16 trays with normal wound care and surgery wound care articles
Location:Anderlecht storage

Cart 2 Tray 1

Amount available:106
Description:1) Kocher artery clamp 14cm REF5532 25 pieces
2) microscissor 11cm REF35799 18 pieces
3) scissor 14cm
REF5533 2 pieces
4) Mosquito artery clamp anatomic 12cm bent REF35797 11pieces
5) anatomic tweezer 14cm REF5534 35pieces
6) button probe 14cm REF5536 12pieces
7) slot probe 14cm
REF5535 3pieces
Location:Anderlecht storage
Cart 2 Tray 1 

Cart 2 Tray 2

Amount available:113
Description:Gauze swabs 10 x 10 cm
REF473-070 113pieces
Location:Anderlecht storage
Cart 2 Tray 2 

Cart 2 tray 3

Reference:485-501 and 485-503
Amount available:100
Description:1) Absorbant pad
10 x 10 cm
REF485-501 46pieces
2) Absorbant pad
20 x 10 cm
REF485-503 54pieces
Location:Anderlecht storage
Cart 2 tray 3 

Cart 2 Tray 4

Amount available:76
Description:1) cohesive conforming bandage 4cm x 4m
REF932 441. 11pieces
2) cohesive conforming bandage 8cm x 4m
REF932 443. 11pieces
3) cohesive conforming bandage 6cm x 4m
REF932 442. 2pieces
4) CUTIPLAST STERIL adhesive wound dressing
REF66001478. 40pieces
5) Elastic Bandages 5m x 6cm
6) gauze bandage for tamponade 3cm x 5m
REF36 009. 1piece
7) Leukoplast Hypafix skin sensitive
Soft silicone adhesive non-woven fabric.
10 cm x 5 m.
REF79966-02. 2pieces
Location:Anderlecht storage
Cart 2 Tray 4 

Cart 2 Tray 5

Amount available:79
Description:1) Ribbon Gauze
1 cm x 5 m
REF 13 470. 9pieces.
2) Ribbon Gauze
1 cm x 5 m
REF 13 470. 9pieces.
3) Omniplast Adhesive fabric tape.
1,25 cm x 5 m.
REF 900 440. 12pieces
4) Ribbon Gauze
2 cm x 5 m
REF 13 470. 5pieces.
5) Omniplast Adhesive fabric tape.
2,5 cm x 5 m.
REF 900 441. 14pieces
6) Omnifilm plastic film adhesive tape
1,25 cm x 9,2 m
REF 900 421. 7pieces
7) Omnifilm plastic film adhesive tape
2,5 cm x 9,2 m
REF 900 422. 11pieces
8) Tamponning bandages
1 cm x 5 m
REF370 800. 1piece
9) Adhesive fabric tape
2,5 cm x 5 m.
REF900 132. 7pieces
10) Tensoplast Elastic adhesive plaster.
2,5 cm x 4,5 m
REF72067-00. 4pieces.
Location:Anderlecht storage
Cart 2 Tray 5 

Cart 2 Tray 6

Amount available:45
Description:1) Brava Adhesive Remover 50ml
3 pieces
2) Niltac sting free adhesive remover.
REF TR 101.
3 pieces.
3) Smith and Nephew Universal adhesive remover wipes.
50 wipes
REF 59403125
1 pieces
4) Leukoplast skin sensitive 1,25 cm x 2,6 m
REF 76173-00
3 pieces.
5) 3M Micropore
2,5 cm
15 pieces
6) 3M Micropore
1,25 cm
13 pieces
7) Lyreco invisible tape
19 mm x 33m
3 pieces.
8) Leukoplast Pro LF
2,5 cm
3 pieces
9) Omnifix Non-woven retention tape.
5 cm x 10m
REF 900 602
1 piece.
10) Wound plaster for after injection
1 bag.
Location:Anderlecht storage
Cart 2 Tray 6 

Cart 2 Tray 7

Reference:38 087
Amount available:105
Description:Raucoset Set 5 deppers
REF 38 087
Location:Anderlecht storage
Cart 2 Tray 7 

Cart 2 Tray 8

Reference:37 833
Amount available:64
bandage set nr 1
REF 37 833.
Location:Anderlecht storage
Cart 2 Tray 8 

Cart 2 Tray 9

Amount available:3
Description:Sterisets penetration set
REF 10613006
Location:Anderlecht storage
Cart 2 Tray 9 

Cart 2 Tray 10

Amount available:113
Description:1) Non-woven swabs, sterile
10 x 10 cm 2 pcs.
REF NL102-S-40
63 pieces
2) Medicomp drain
Slit dressings
10 cm x 10 cm
REF 421 535
18 pieces
3) Mailmed VK, sterile dressings
10 cm x 10 cm
REF 25230
17 pieces
4) Mailmed MK, sterile
10 X 10 cm
REF 25071
7 pieces
5) gauze bails 5pcs 3cm
REF 735520
8 pieces
Location:Anderlecht storage
Cart  2 Tray 10 

Cart 2 Tray 11

Amount available:248
Description:1) Smith&nephew
Cutiplast Steril
Adhesive wound dressing
25 cm x 10 cm
REF 66001476
14 pieces
2) Smith&nephew
Cutiplast Steril
Adhesive wound dressing
20 cm x 10 cm
REF 66001475
50 pieces
3) Smith&nephew
Cutiplast Steril
Adhesive wound dressing
15 cm x 8 cm
REF 66001474
34 pieces
4) Smith&nephew
Cutiplast Steril
Adhesive wound dressing
10 cm x 8 cm
REF 66001473
150 pieces
Location:Anderlecht storage
Cart 2 Tray 11 

Cart 2 Tray 12

Amount available:138
Description:1) Smith&nephew
adhesive wound dressing
25 cm x 10 cm
REF 66000714
5 pieces
2) Smith&nephew
adhesive wound dressing
20 cm x 10 cm
REF 66000713
4 pieces
3) Smith&nephew
adhesive wound dressing
15,5 cm x 18,5 cm
REF 66000712
41 pieces
4) Smith&nephew
adhesive wound dressing
10 cm x 12 cm
REF 4630
48 pieces
5) Smith&nephew
adhesive wound dressing
9,5 cm x 8,5 cm
REF 66000709
34 pieces
6) Smith&nephew
adhesive wound dressing
6 cm x 7 cm
REF 4628
6 pieces
Location:Anderlecht storage
Cart 2 Tray 12 

Cart 2 Tray 13

Amount available:263
Description:1) Smith&nephew
Absorbant waterproof and bacteria proof film dressing.
6,5 cm x 5 cm.
REF 66000708
119 pieces.
2) Smith&nephew
Adhesive wound dressing.
67,2 cm x 5 cm.
REF 66001478
144 pieces.
Location:Anderlecht storage
Cart 2 Tray 13 

Cart 2 Tray 14

Amount available:61
Description:1) conforming bandage
4 m x 4 cm
REF 412-001
14 pieces
2) conforming bandage
4 m x 6 cm
REF 412-003
6 pieces
3) conforming bandage
4 m x 8 cm
REF 412-005
6 pieces
4) conforming bandage
4 m x 10 cm
REF 412-006
15 pieces
5) Crepe bandage
4 m x 7 cm
REF 428-002
1 piece
6) Crepe bandage
4 m x 5 cm
6 pieces
7) klinipress
Hg gauze compress
8 layers 5 x 5 cm
REF 111 015
13 pieces
Location:Anderlecht storage
Cart 2 Tray 14 

Cart 2 Tray 15

Reference:38 087
Amount available:140
Set 5 deppers 62
REF 38 087
Location:Anderlecht storage
Cart 2 Tray 15 

Cart 2 Tray 16

Amount available:56
Description:1) Raucoset
Bandage set nr 1
REF 37 833
48 pieces
2) Jibon
Dressing set
REF 31-1824
8 pieces
Location:Anderlecht storage
Cart 2 Tray 16 

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